Pastor Kenneth W. Davison, Sr.
Pastor Kenneth W. Davison, Sr. has a special calling on his life to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a servant of the Lord, he dedicated his life at an early age to do the will of God. His Christian foundation began in the church where he accepted Christ as his personal Saviour: Childress Memorial Church of God In Christ. There he gained invaluable teachings, training, wisdom and insight.
Acknowledging his call to ministry, Kenneth Davison completed his theology studies at the T.D. Iglehart Institute of Training and received his Certificate of Ordination as a Licensed Elder in the Church of God In Christ, Incorporated in 2007. During the ordination ceremony, he vowed himself to be dedicated to ministry works and he worked diligently as an associate Elder in the church and as a scholar of biblical teachings.
Remaining faithful to the call of God on his life, in June of 2013, the Lord impressed heavily upon the heart of Elder Kenneth W. Davison, Sr. that it was his season to move forward in ministry. God showed Elder Davison in a dream (vision), the souls of man perishing one after the other. With this great burden of accountability, Elder Davison answered the Call of God and began making provisions to found a church.
God unctioned Elder Davison to name the church New Life and to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ signifying to the world they can experience new life in Christ. Not only new life here on earth but also in the eternal life to come. The first worship service was held on Sunday October 20, 2013.
Pastor Davison is a powerful and anointed teacher and preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has vision with a sincere desire to fulfill the will of God. With an unwavering commitment to ministry works, he is on a mission to facilitate the reaching of mankind by making the Gospel of Jesus Christ accessible and empowering to produce devoted disciples.
New Life Church is a diversified body of believers. Under Pastor Davison’s vision, the church continues to blossom and grow. The church is a bible-based ministry, with the heart of God that ministers to develop the total man believing in family, love, servitude and in new beginnings. God has set his approval upon this Ministry.
Elder Davison serves as the State Director of Fine Arts for the Texas Southwest Jurisdiction. He also works with the National AIM Department running drill team workshops. In July of 2014, he received “The Outstanding Ministry Service Award” for distinguished service by AIM Chairman Linwood Dillard & Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake. He also serves as a State Adjutant, and has been a National Adjutant in COGIC since 2007. On November 6, 2015, at the National Convocation in St. Louis, Missouri, Pastor Kenny received a National Appointment to Adjutant Overseer of Texas by the Adjutant General Bishop Matthew Williams of Florida.
Pastor Kenny has been married to the love of his life, Lady Sallie Davison, for thirty years and they have three gifted and anointed sons: Kenneth Jr., Kevin and Korey who are also involved and supportive in the ministry.